The Role of Metadata in the Design of Educational Activities


How can dynamic geometry documents be shared? There exist several repositories of learning resources where this can be done. Each repository has its own specificities. In the process of understanding how dynamic geometry resources are selected and shared, preparing for the Open Discovery Space federation [1], we attempt to describe the role of the metadata for the potential users of the learning resources: what purposes it serves, and when it is useful or not. We do this based on the log-books of actual maths teachers of the i2geo platform whose experience and professional practice of teaching sets particular utility of the metadata: how they find the resources, assess the resources' qualities, and evaluate the cost of possibly needed adaptations: all depends on the practice.


[PDF article]Libbrecht-Kortenkamp-Role-of-Metadata-CERME8_2013.pdf
[PDF complete proceedings at ERME]CERME8_2013_Proceedings.pdf
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